Friday, 13 July 2012

Blatter can not punish Havelange

Insisted President of the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) Joseph Blatter that he does not have the authority to punish his predecessor Joao Havelange, after accusing the former president of the Union, aged 96 years, receiving bribes.

Documents released published by the Supreme Court of Switzerland that Havelange, who presided over the "Viva" for 24 years before the arrival of Blatter to office in 1998, collecting 1.5 million Swiss francs at least (986 thousand pounds), compared to 12.74 million francs, at least for the president of the Brazilian and a member of the Executive Committee of FIFA, Ricardo Teixeira, the former.

The two men got on the bribery of former marketing partner of FIFA "any DSL", which declared bankruptcy in 2001 under the burden of debt amounted to $ 300 million.

But Blatter moved to the site of the attack on Thursday, insisting that he is unable to punish his predecessor, and said the website of FIFA: "I do not have the authority to summon him to account. Public Committee chosen by the president emeritus, and the public alone can decide."

He said that Blatter payments were not illegal under Swiss law at the time and said: "I know why? The money was paid to the Commission? At that time, it was possible to deduct such payments from taxes as business expenses."

He added: "Today, the subject of this command to punish under the law. Can not be judged on the past based on today's standards, and, if different will end up the justice of morality. Was not in the Amkane that I know about the violation were not as well (according to the law at the time)."

Blatter acknowledged that the Lord said in the documents: "The decision of the Swiss Federal Court to make the names of prosecution is unknown. In relation to me, could have been the publication of documents is complete and" clean ", to put an end to the speculation once and for all."

He added: "But the court said that all the names of those who are not accused of the third party will remain unknown. I'm not accusing, so I was unknown and known to me using the" B 1 ", which frankly is not difficult of discovery."

FIFA and the dissemination of the report of the Swiss court Wednesday on its website, stressing in a statement that the name Blatter is contained in the report, in contrast to Havelange and Teixeira.

The statement stressed that "the decision of the Swiss Federal Court also emphasizes that the two foreign officials (Blatter is not a foreigner because he francs) will be only part of the track, and that the FIFA president is not involved in the case."

Documents released by court officials in FIFA knew that Havelange and Teixeira received bribes from "ESL," and that the Union and agreed to pay 5.2 million francs (64.1 million pounds), provided that the falling action in the right Havelange and Teixeira.

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